Pollution that Ends Up in the Ocean

Polluted Beach Waters

For decades, the seas have been used to dispose of waste. Toxic pollution ends up in the ocean from sewage discharges, power plants, cruise ships, nuclear dumps, submarines, manure waste, and more. Dumping millions of gallons of waste in the ocean every year carry disease-causing pathogens and can cause bacterial infections in people swimming in the water—the waste impacts public health, coral reefs, sea creatures, and plants.

Cruise ships carry much sewage, wastewater, hazardous wastes, solid waste, oil, and air pollution. A large vessel is estimated to generate over 200,000 gallons of sewage. They repeatedly visit the same Florida ports, where the impact is more significant. The cruise industry has discarded trash, fuel, and sewage directly into the ocean. Several cruise lines have been fined for dumping massive sewage into oceans, polluting our beaches, contaminating coral reefs, and destroying marine life. 

There are different solutions to these growing issues, like limiting pollution at its source, better laws to protect the environment, and establishing limits on pollution that protect health. We can also take action through our personal choices by looking for non-toxic solutions.

Stel Bailey

Stel Bailey, a cancer cluster survivor and environmental health advocate, is a researcher and journalist with more than two decades of multimedia experience, having been published globally.

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