Environmental Protection Agency to Hold Virtual Community Engagement Session for Region 4

Photo by NRDC photographer at the 2022 National PFAS Conference

MARCH 21, 2023 - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is holding an engagement session for region 4 on March 21st at 8 pm to provide information about the agency's ongoing work under the PFAS Strategic Roadmap and what it means for Region 4. The session will provide opportunities for communities to share feedback directly with EPA Regional and PFAS Council leaders to inform the implementation of the actions described in the Road Map.

Region 4 includes: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennesee, 6 Tribes 

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PFAS Substances are contaminating communities across the United States. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the PFAS Strategic Roadmap—committing to bolder new policies to safeguard public health, protect the environment, and hold polluters accountable. As part of the Roadmap, EPA committed to engaging with communities in each EPA Region in order to better understand their lived experiences and challenges in grappling with PFAS contamination. Read more information about EPA’s PFAS efforts.

If you have questions about the registration process or how to sign up to give verbal feedback, please contact info@pfascommunityengagement.org.

Stel Bailey

Stel Bailey is a prominent community leader with over twenty years of experience in multimedia, investigative journalism, and research, earning recognition on a national scale and having been published worldwide.

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