Patrick Space Force Base military personnel called in to remove a mortar from a resident's property in South Patrick Shores. Photo by DP Braden on September 2018. |
Government to Start Searching Brevard Beachside Dump for Military Waste
SOUTH PATRICK SHORES, FL -In 2018, residents living less than a mile south of Patrick Space Force Base raised concerns about military debris buried under their homes. The area, previously a Navy landfill, now has over 300 homes built on it.In 1980, Congress acknowledged the risks associated with disposing of hazardous waste through burial. Federal authorities located 54 toxic dump sites in Florida where such materials were present. These substances can infiltrate groundwater, leading to environmental harm and contamination of drinking water. Additionally, they are capable of damaging plant life, causing soil erosion, and releasing harmful gases that can permeate residential areas.
In the 1970s, the U.S. Air Force dealt with landfills by covering the waste with a layer of soil between 1 to 12 feet deep. These landfills did not have control measures, such as liners or impermeable caps, so hazardous materials could easily migrate from the site. Open dumpsites without liners pose a significant risk for groundwater contamination.
Jacksonville oncologist, along with cancer survivors and nationally recognized environmental health advocate Stel Bailey helped get the state to investigate cancers in the Satellite Beach and Suntree area. After a yearlong wait, the Florida Department of Health released the results in May 2019. They concluded that cancer rates were higher but that there was no significant public health risk. The agency failed to examine all cancer types and didn't include hundreds of local cancer cases reported to the department. Breast cancer was one they left out that is associated with chemical exposures, as seen in a Camp Lejeune study.
Jacksonville Oncologist, Erin Brockovich, Stel Bailey, Bob Bowcock, Jeff Dubitsky in Satellite Beach, Florida, September 2018 |
In the '90s, the community of about 3,000 residents had 11 cases of Hodgkin's Lymphoma and an additional 16 cases on the base, totaling 27 cases of cancer. Statistically, two cases of Hodgkin's disease could have been expected in the area. They also had a high incidence of Lou Gehrig's (ALS) disease. Residents brought health concerns to state and federal agencies who ultimately blamed cancer cases on a virus and went silent.
Mapping in 2018 documenting items unburied by the Fight for Zero team. Tech DP Braden |
Hazardous Waste Violations
The military is one of the country's largest polluters. Patrick Space Force Base (formerly air force) has been inspected many times, dating back to 1986 by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) agency. In July 2014, the facility was out of compliance with violations, including failure to properly identify hazardous wastes, exceeding the limit of stored hazardous waste, failure to properly label containers, improper storage of hazardous waste that exceeded toxicity limits for cadmium, management of hazardous waste without a permit and disposal of toxic warfarin trash to a local landfill. When FDEP inspectors went to the facility to inspect on July 22, 2015, the Base would not allow the inspectors to access the grounds. According to the notes in the following inspection in September, this matter was closed without formal enforcement. [2]A Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Designation
Dug up debris in South Patrick Shores in 2018 |
Area Targeted for Cleanup
On February 27, 2023, the federal government began its investigation with ground penetrating radar (GPR). This radar surveys the top of the ground using a small lawnmower-sized instrument. They will scan yards in the area that signed the "rights-of-entry" forms to test for groundwater and soil contamination. A draft report is expected to be released in mid-2024. Three hundred property owners were eligible for the environmental investigation. So far, 182 owners have signed the "right-of-entry" form to allow the Corps to explore their yards.
The agency will test homes for vapors if the groundwater or soil samples cause concern.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is preparing to begin the first phase of the Remedial Investigation field work (ground penetrating radar) near Patrick Space Force Base. For information, email or call 800-710-5184.Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) mapping by Fight for Zero: |
Fight for Zero comprises seven chapters in the state of Florida and works with community groups from across the country directly impacted by toxic exposures. The organization aims to protect natural resources while fighting for zero illness. They have been at the forefront of numerous environmental health investigations. For more information on Fight for Zero, please visit and consider donating to help continue this work!