U.S. Advocates Impacted by Toxic Contamination Meet in DC
There is a misconception that contamination happens only in rare circumstances in the United States. When you mention water contamination, people think of the infamous Erin Brockovich case in Hinkley, California, and don't fathom that it's likely happening in their backyard.
International Association of Fire Fighters President Edward Kelly speaking at Freedom Plaza. Image by John Nelson |
Firefighter PFAS & Occupational Exposures
The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) President Edward Kelly spoke of the risks firefighters face with PFAS substances in firefighters' personal protective equipment (PPE). PFAS plays a role in contributing to the increased incidence of cancer among firefighters. The IAFF represents more than 326,000 professional firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical dispatchers across the United States and Canada.
"For many years, we thought our cancers were caused by smoke, off-gassing from burning combustibles, building debris," Kelly said. "Now we know our own gear is part of that problem. The very thing that is supposed to be keeping us safe is costing us our lives."
Several powerful voices came to Washington DC to demand that federal agencies do more to regulate toxic chemicals impacting firefighters.
Nationwide Contamination of PFAS Chemicals
Nearly all Americans have some exposure to PFAS, and these chemicals have been found in water supplies across the country. Since the 1940's PFAS have been manufactured and used in industrial applications and firefighting. PFAS doesn't break down in the environment, can move through soil contaminating drinking water, and are very persistent in the environment and human body. Exposure to these chemicals has adverse reproductive, developmental, and immunological effects. Millions of Americans are exposed to PFAS-contaminated water, and the EPA failed to take action for 20 years after being made aware of the health hazards of these toxic fluorinated chemicals in 1998.
Relentless Advocacy in the Face of Adversity
"President Kelly gave long-awaited recognition that I have been seeking from the IAFF. I am very grateful. It removed a hole in my heart that I've been carrying. It was an emotional moment I did not know was coming and didn't realize how badly I needed it." - Diane Cotter
Diane Cotter (Worcester, MA), Stel Bailey (Brevard County, Florida), Elizabeth Baker (Titusville, Florida), Representative Jim McGovern), Paul Cotter (Worcester, MA), Kevin Ferrara (Pennsylvania) |
Cancer Incidence Among Firefighters
Kevin Ferrara
Jason Burns
"We have a problem in the fire service, and it's not just my local, it's happening all over the country," Burns said. "Fire fighters are dealing with cancer at rates we have never seen. I have seen too many widows and too many fatherless children now. I will no longer tolerate having these chemicals in my gear."
9/11 Survivors Face High Cancer Risk
9/11 Survivor Rob Serra
9/11 Survivor Joe McKay
SAFE Dinner in Washington DC with advocates from Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Alabama, Louisana, Massachusets, and other states throughout the country. |
Full Links & Additional Reading:
- Cancer cluster reported: https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/general-info/cancer-clusters.html#:~:text=About%201%2C000%20suspected%20cancer%20clusters,state%20health%20departments%20each%20year
- Cancer in Firefighters: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7967542/
- Consumer Reports: https://www.consumerreports.org/water-quality/how-safe-is-our-drinking-water-a0101771201/
- Correlation between contamination water and leukemia: http://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/woburnleukemia/Lagakos_et_al_Woburn.pdf
- EPA Risk Document: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2019-06/documents/risk_assessment_letter_and_summary.pdf
- Diane Cotter: https://dianecotter.medium.com/you-were-lied-to-9bc004e639dd
- IAFF: https://www.iaff.org/news/statement-from-iaff-general-president-edward-a-kelly-on-pfas-lawsuits/
- SAFE: https://www.safeprotestepa.org/
- The Ray Pfeifer Foundation: https://theraypfeiferfoundation.org/
- World Trade Center: http://www.cdc.gov/wtc/faq.html
- World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program.
- http://ashpublications.org/blood/article/134/Supplement_1/3720/424089/High-Burden-of-Clonal-Hematopoiesis-in-First