Zero Cancer Initiative: Veterans Leading the Charge

Veterans Exposed to Toxic Chemicals Helping Fight for Zero Cancer

To the veterans that served this country, thank you for all the risks and sacrifices you made. Fight for Zero is proud to support and fight for our veterans exposed to toxic chemicals like Agent Orange, PFAS, radiation, and burn pits during their military service. Men and women who serve are at risk of illness from toxic exposures, and symptoms may cause long-term effects and go unnoticed for many years. Our organization consists of military veterans who are passionate about military-related environmental hazards.

Honoring Board Member and Veteran Josh Bailey

We honor US Army veteran Josh Bailey, who pursued a Bachelor of Science in environmental science at Southern New Hampshire University. At SNHU, his studies focused on conservation biology, ecology, and natural resources. 

Honoring Veteran Advocate Jim Holmes

We also honor Jim Holmes, who testified before Congress in 2020 after losing his daughter, Kaela, to a rare brain cancer. 

"I lost my only child due to being poisoned by the same military that I faithfully served and fought for. When I learned of the connection between PFAS and Kaela's cancer, I got rid of all my awards, certificates, and uniforms. The only thing I own with a military connection is my retried ID card. I will have to live the rest of my life, knowing that my decision to serve in the military and reside at the United States Air Force Base resulted in the death of my beautiful daughter. I pray that no other service member will ever have to unknowingly sacrifice the life of their child by serving their county," said Mr. Holmes in his testimony to Congress 

Without people like you, we would not have the freedoms we do! Thank you to you and your families!

Fight for Zero

Our team brings passion and drive to take on environmental health challenges. Our mission is to inform, educate, share resources, and inspire action to protect natural resources.

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